Types of Fees
There are 07 Types of Fees which are determined by Board of Trustee.
- First time Alumni Registration Fee
- Annual membership fee
- Membership grade change fee. Such as- General membership to Life membership fee
- Reunion & Election Fee
- Fee for Social Events other than Reunion & Election
- Any other Special occasion/extraordinary Fee proposed by MISTAS Council and determined by Board of trustee.
- Donation
Policy of Fees
- MISTAS Council (General Member, Life Member) must pay the First time Alumni registration fee.
- MISTAS Council must pay an annual membership fee, which is payable for each calendar year on Within January Month
- The annual membership fee for a member will be set by Board of Trustee.
- Capitation Components must be determined by Board of Trustee by an affirmative vote by a two-third (2/3) majority.
- No part of any membership fee is refundable or adjustable which are mentioned as above
- General Members can pay the grade change fee to become the life members.
- Honorary members and Patrons are waived from annual fee as MISTAS expects for their better contribution at the time of needs.
- A member losing/ceasing membership due to nonpayment of fees in 3 (three) consecutive years may restore his or her membership by paying 10 percent more than his/her total outstanding dues/fees in onetime.
- Any member willing to upgrade his/her membership shall have to clear all his/her outstanding dues/fees up to previous year before the application for upgrade is actually lodged.
- Board of Trustee reserves the right to set fees for different initiatives, activities, welfare, events, publication etc.
- The members are only bound to pay membership and renewal fees, no other fees set by the Board of Trustee.
- All types of fee amount will be determined by the Ad-hoc committee AGM or first AGM of Board of trustee for their tenure.
- Each Board reserves the right to set fee amount for their tenure and next board can revisit the fee amount if necessary.