“MIST ALUMNI SOCIETY” in short “MISTAS” is a non-political, non-profitable, non-government, voluntary, social welfare and charitable organization for the registered alumni of MILITARY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (MIST)
With a view to creating our beloved alma mater a best technical institute locally and globally, MISTAS is devoted to the welfare and betterment of Alumni and Undergraduate Students of MIST, by ensuring community support, creating opportunities, networking platform, promoting innovation, excellence through educational and extra-curricular activities, preserving the cooperation, respect and integrity bonding bridge between its members.
Our Vision
To achieve the highest peak of cooperation, unity and excellence among its members by supporting for good causes and in the process becoming a globally recognized platform to contribute to our beautiful planet Earth.
Our Slogan
Bonded Together, Branded Together.
Our Objectives
MISTAS will work for implementation of its following aims and objectives which are not limited within for the service of its members:
- To develop stronger bond and unity among its alumni and well-wishers of the society.
- To create learning and networking platform for sharing knowledge, experience, wisdom, opportunities amongst its members regardless of their specialties and background.
- To arrange and host different professional development training programs, seminars, workshops, lectures, symposium to enhance skills of its members or affiliated entities.
- To raise funds and ensure social & personal welfare of Alumni as well as Undergraduate Students of MIST
- To create and enhance the career in different fields and self development opportunities and status of its members.
- To uphold, Enhance and promote the image and heritage of MIST
- To facilitate research and development, initiatives, projects for socio-economic and humanitarian advancement
- To encourage research, business development, association and professional excellence among Alumni as well as Undergraduate Students of MIST.
- To introduce a common platform for Alumni to collaborate, support for sustainable development of the society.
- To facilitate affiliated MIST Student Organizations and events to promote MIST and MISTAS.
- To arrange social activities such as reunions, picnics, dinners, cultural programs, and exchange visits for greater social unity among alumni.
- To Liaise & collaborate with other technical, non-technical organization, associations, institutes and universities.
- To arrange conference in national and international level to publish the research and innovative works of its members, to inspire and recognize them.
- To promote study and practice engineering into realistic application for economic development in Bangladesh
- To honor and accolade its high achieving members.
- To collaborate and consult with MIST on common matters for the betterment of Alumni.
- To promote the benefits of membership of MISTAS
- To set guidelines for ethics and disciplines for the members of the Association.
Governance of MISTAS
The organizational structure of MISTAS shall consist of MISTAS Council, constituted of the general members and life members of MISTAS at the top. The MISTAS Council shall elect a Board of Trustees (BOT) which shall have the responsibility of planning and implementation of programs and activities associated with MISTAS in line with its Objectives.
The organization of MISTAS will therefore have the following hierarchical set up.
- MISTAS Council
- Board of Trustees (Executive Committee, Departmental BOT, Faculty BOT, Advisors )
- Other Management/operational Committees which may be formed from time to time by the resolution of Board of Trustees.
MISTAS council shall comprise of all registered General Members and Life Members of MISTAS. General Members and Life Members shall have the rights to participate in all election by MISTAS as a Voter or as a Nominee upon fulfilling prerequisite criteria.
MISTAS Council shall be the apex Authority regarding any resolution of the matters associated with MISTAS or its registered Members. The Council shall be responsible for enacting addition, alteration and amendment deemed necessary to be addressed in the Constitution and By Laws ipso facto, by adopting special resolutions.
The Council shall elect an Executive committee (EC) among the Members of the Council for a term of three (03) years.
The BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT) or Board, is a body of Trustees which shall comprise of not less than twenty (20) nos. and not more than thirty five (35) nos. of Trustees under the criteria stipulated as follows-
The Executive Committee (EC) shall comprise of seven (07) nos. of Elected Bodies by voting among the MISTAS Council. The EC shall be responsible to carry out all activities of MISTAS on behalf of Board of Trustees and shall meet On-site or on-line at the call of the President as a practice of modus operandi.A department can hold maximum two (02) nos. of positions as Trustees in Executive committee.
The Executive Committee, based on seniority by designation, consists of-
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary General
- Treasurer
- Secretary –Admin and Member Relation
- Secretary – Communication and R&D
- Secretary – Events and Programs
- Designated Department on behalf of MIST shall nominate not more than three (03) nos. Candidates for bona fide Trustee position at the MISTAS Council. The MISTAS Council Members shall have the voting rights to elect One (01) nos. of Trustee from the Nominated Candidates from each Department. This election shall be done laterally per se with EC election.
- If any recognized Departmental Alumni Society (vetted by MIST and MISTAS) is formed prior to the consequent EC Election, then the criterion stipulated in 6.2.2 (A) shall not be exercised and the Elected President of the Departmental Alumni Society shall be appointed directly as Departmental BOT vide status quo. The Departmental Election shall have to be conducted with the presence of acting President and/or Vice-president with their designated competent representative team of MISTAS. In case of the non sequitur circumstance arises regarding the presence of President or Vice-president, they shall delegate the power to a competent MISTAS Council aiming to recognize the Departmental President Election.
- In case of vacant positions from designated departments where respective Department of MIST fails to nominate any candidate as per the criteria stipulated in 6.2.2 (A)and/or non-existence of recognized Departmental Alumni Society with a recognized/an Elected President as per 6.2.2 (B); then the vacant position shall not be filled up during the tenure of the Board.
- Number of Trustee Positions is subjected to increase likewise with the increase of the numbers of designated Departments by MIST.
The DSW wing, MIST shall nominate not more than five (05) nos. of Trustees in compliance with the following criteria:
- All of the five (05) nos. of trustees shall have to be Permanent faculties of MIST. MISTAS may require formal proof of such claim in support of the nominations.
- No more than one (01) Trustee shall be nominated from an individual Department of MIST.
- If there is any vacant position due to the unavailability of permanent faculty in the time of forming BOT, the position shall remain vacant for the tenure of the Board.
- MISTAS Council shall not accept nominations for more than five (05) nos. of Trustees. In cases where the total no of candidates or nominations from MIST exceeds the allocated Trustee positions, the final selection of 05 (five) Trustees from the nominations shall have to resolute by the Executive Committee as a modus operandi and the same shall be informed to the DSW Wing, MIST afterwards.
- A Permanent and competent faculty nominated from DSW Wing may avail the priority for a Trustee position as a discretion from the Executive Committee vide bona fide relations with the DSW Wing.
- MISTAS Council shall have the rights to select not more than three (03) Trustees from the preceding Executive Committee, based on the Seniority by designation. The President shall have the exclusive rights to recommend not more than three (03) Trustees from the preceding Executive Committee to assist and extend the support to the MISTAS Council as Advisors. The recommendation shall include but not limited to a written Expression of Interest (EOI) from the Candidates.
- The selected 03 (three) nos. of trustees as per 6.2.4 (A) shall act as Advisors of BOT and shall have the right to cast vote within the BOT.
- If none of preceding Committee Members submits their EOI, vacant positions shall not be filled up during the Tenure of Board of Trustee.
Board of Trustees may form cross-functional Teams and Interim Committees by Co-opting any competent active and registered Member of MISTAS Council as per Delegation of Power of Executive Committee. The duration of the tenure of members of the Board of Trustees shall not exceed three (03) years
- The Board may, subject to approval by MISTAS Council through Annual General Meeting (AGM), add a limited number of additional Trustee positions in the Board conjuncture to the exclusive need felt for such expansion.
- To be eligible for a Nominee for a position in the Executive Committee, minimum required Age must be 28(twenty-eight) years according to his/her Birth Certificate on the date of Election. Competent Authority of MISTAS shall require for proper proofing documents in support of age.
- To be eligible for a Nominee for a position in the Board of Trustee other than Executive Committee, the Candidate shall have to be at least 26(twenty-six)years of age according to his/her Birth Certificate/Government Authorized standard documents on/before the date of Election.
- A Member can serve the Board of Trustees for maximum two (02) consecutive terms or six (06) consecutive years. However, a Trustee, who has served the Board for two (2) consecutive terms, can be re-elected after the elapse of three (3) years since completion of the last term as a Trustee.
- If any position/Trustee of EC is vacant, Board of Trustees may fulfill the post by electing a competent person among the Trustees; such election shall be conducted by Board of Trustees excluding the current President which shall be filled up in the next Annual General Meeting Election.
- A Trustee position other than EC trustees that may become vacant due to resignation, retirement, or death of one who occupied it; shall be filled through MISTAS Council election, as applicable, at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Founders of MISTAS
Founding (Ad-hoc) Committee prior to the First Election of MISTAS formed on August 03, 2018
at Training Building, BARC Complex, Farmgate- Dhaka with the presence of 100+ graduates of MIST.
Founding Committee of MISTAS